Finally put paid to the slowest 50 species EVER and have now made it across the 750 species mark. It's taken me precisely a month to scrape those fifty species together but, as of a couple of days back, I'm once again back in the frame of mind for square-bashing action!
So what happened? Well I think I needed a break from a lack of inverts, a lack of good weather and a break from enjoying too many bottles of vino and cans of beer. So I took myself out and joined a botany outing up a mountainside and jumped on a boat and went plundering across the bay which helped re-ignite my passion for wildlife recording. Combine that with a couple of stunningly gorgeous days this week and BOOM!, I'm alive again.
Last update (a month ago!) I was at 702 species. Now I'm at 755 species. The intervening 53 species include a healthy 21 lifers including the first record of Mompha propinquella for Skye, swept from my back garden yesterday. Also swept in that same 5 or 6 minutes were Marsh Damselbug Nabis limbatus and Potato Capsid Closterotomus norwegicus, both lifers for me. I should probably start paying more attention to my own back garden...
Mompha propinquella - new for me and new for VC104 |
A personal highlight was discovering a large mat of Bog Stitchwort whilst changing the filter of a water tank up the hill. I've been looking for Bog Stitchwort for maybe ten years without success, usually along dark, wooded streams. Yet this was in a huge open patch of grassland growing in the wet channel next to the water tanks, unexpected but totally brilliant!
Bog Stitchwort - nailed! |
Insects have slowly begun to show themselves at long last. I mean, it is only July after all...
The Tephrtitid Xyphosia miliaria on its larval foodplant |
The large click Hemicrepidius hirtus - locally becoming quite common now |
Depressaria daucella on Hemlock Water-dropwort |
Monosoma pulverata on an Alder leaf today |
I've a million and one things on pins which I can start going through next week...yep, I'm finally making the trip back down to Southampton to collect the rest of my worldly belongings. So I'll be reunited with my books and keys once more. Damn but it's been a long time. Eight months, in fact! Eight months since I've set foot off of Skye, seen a set of traffic lights or dual carriageway. Eight months since I've seen a Tesco, McDonalds or Pizza Hut. Eight months since I've seen a highrise building, seen a Magpie, Mute Swan or Coot.'s been fkkn great!!!!
The numbers bit -
703 - bird - Spotted Flycatcher (nesting by the river)
704 - fungus - Sycamore White Spot (on living sycamore leaves)
705 - fly -
Agromyza idaeiana (larva seen in mine) -
706 - plant - Hollyberry Cotoneaster (birdsown all over the place)
707 - fungus -
Erysiphe ulmariae (all over Meadowsweet plants) -
708 - plant - Pineappleweed (common along tracks)
709 - plant - Redshank (common along a few tracks)
710 - plant - Marsh Cudweed (scattered along one track edge)
711 - hoverfly -
Sericomyia silentis (at Hogweed)
712 - microlep -
Bactra lanceolana (1 swiped as it flew past my nose)
713 - bug -
Leptoterna dolabrata (common in long grasses)
714 - blowfly -
Lucilia caesar (common in woodland edge) -
715 - hprsefly - Notch-horned Cleg (common whenever I'm mowing at 3km per hour grrrrr...)
716 - aphid -
Eriosoma ulmi (many galled Wych Elm leaves with these inside) -
717 - plant - Bog Stitchwort (party in my pants!) -
718 - plant - Eyebright (
Euphrasia arctica if my keying out is any good)
719 - gall midge -
Iteomyia capraea (larva extracted from gall on
Salix) -
720 - macrolep - Common Wave (frequently day-disturbed in UigWoods)
721 - gall midge -
Chirosia betuleti (many galled tips to
Dryopteris fronds)
722 - beetle -
Hemicrepidius hirtis (common hairy black click) -
723 - fly -
Xyphosia miliaria (a common tephritid on Marsh Thistles) -
724 - macrolep - Chimney Sweeper (one seen flying along Cuil Road verge)
725 - plant - Heath Fragrant Orchid (common in this area) -
726 - plant - Tufted Vetch (sparingly in verges)
727 - Hedgerow Cranesbill (sparingly in overgrown verges)
728 - beetle -
Malthodes marginatus (swept from umbellifer heads)
729 - beetle -
Otiorhynchus singularis (ace weevil, commonly seen) -
730 - gall midge -
Dasineura rosae (several larvae in a puckered leaf) -
731 - fungus -
Puccinia arenaria (many Red Campion leaves show this) -
732 - sawfly -
Scolioneura betuleti (larva seen in mine on Downy Birch) -
733 - sawfly -
Fenusa ulmi - (larva seen within mine on Wych Elm) -
734 - macrolep - Large Yellow Underwing (flushed whilst mowing)
735 - fly -
Chromatomyia primulae (larva seen within mine on Primrose) -
736 - microlep -
Depressaria daucella (many larva in Hemlock Water-dropwort patch)
737 - macrolep - Magpie Moth (common up here)
738 - microlep -
Pseudargyrotoza conwagana (swept in woodland)
739 - harvestman -
Leiobunum rotundum (one on a wall)
740 - mammal - Common (Bandit/45khz) Pipistrelle (several in the house!)
741 - mammal - Common Shrew (1 watched hunting in a tree stump, Uig Woods)
742 - microlep -
Phyllonorycter rajella (mines on Alder in Uig Woods)
743 - beetle -
Rhagonycha fulva (getting commoner by the day on umbels...)
744 - macrolep - Mottled Beauty (disturbed by day)
745 - plant - Smooth Hawk's-beard (suddenly quite common)
746 - plant - Common Cat's-ear (realised I'd overlooked this thus far!)
747 - microlep -
Mompha propinquella (swept from my back garden) -
748 - bug -
Nabis limbatus (swept from my back garden) -
749 - bug -
Closterotomus norwegicus (swept from my back garden) -
750 - plant - Common Lime (planted tree with self-seeded ones nearby)
751 - fungus -
Asteroma impressum (infecting leaves of Coltsfoot) -
752 - plant - Upland Enchanter's Nightshade (small patches in the woods)
753 - sawfly -
Monosoma pulverata (a larva on Alder leaf today) -
754 - fly -
Leucozona glaucia (stunning hoverfly swept from Hogweed) -
755 - bug -
Capsus ater (swept from rank herbage)
Looking forward to the next 245 species, I have the bit between my teeth again!