Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Cullaloe LNR - a meteroic rise

or just plugging away, really. But with this Hydroteaea meteorica as a nice bonus yesterday

Check out the distribution map from NBN:

That aside I have now fallen under the numbers achieved by this time last year. C'est la vie. On the other hand on current rate of additions the reserve list will get over 2k in about 80 days. Yahoo!

781 diptera Siphona geniculata A  tachinid fly
782 R diptera Beris chalybata Murky-legged Black Legionnaire
783 odonata Enallagma cyathigerum Common Blue Damselfly
784 R hemiptera Drepanosiphum platanoidis Common Sycamore Aphid
785 coleoptera Cantharis nigricans A Soldier Beetle
786 R lep-moth Coleophora serratella A micro moth
787 R lep-moth Syndemis musculana A micro moth
788 diptera Empis stercorea An Empid fly
789 C R M diptera Hydrotaea meteorica A muscid fly

R - new to reserve
M - new to me
C - new to county


  1. Good going with the 'meteor'
    re your last post and the reserve list. Clearly these records have been gathered over a few years? Plus is the reserve spread over more than 1ksq? Good to see you are over 300 plant species for the reserve!

    1. The reserve is quite a bit less than 1k square. I'm working about 1/3rd of NT1887. For the purpose of this year, I'm ignoring the eastern leg which is in NT1987, though the rules allow for it I think. OS map here: https://www.geograph.org.uk/gridref/NT1887

    2. this gives a better view: https://www.geograph.org.uk/mapper/combined.php#
