Saturday, January 21, 2017

Skye - 250 Up!

It's my birthday today, so it was an especially nice treat to hit the 250 species mark whilst out and about this afternoon.  The past few days I've been pottering about, adding the odd lichen or liverwort to the tally/my PSL. Additions today include Greenfinch, Map Lichen Rhizocarpon geographicum, Field Vole, Ramalina calicaris and Wych Elm. 

I'm not going to list the 254 species seen so far, that would be a bit boring (although you can see them on my blog here)

Here are a couple of pics to brighten up a dull blogpost

Rhizocarpon geographicum - my first sighting in NG3963
Salpingus ruficollis - 6th record for Scotland apparenty!

My 2017 Breakdown for NG3963 is as follows -

Algae - 6
Lichens -  38 (7 = Lifers)
Fungi - 20 (2 = Lifers)
Bryophytes - 26 (7 = Lifers)
Plants - 64
Cnidarians - 2
Molluscs - 20 (4 = Lifers)
Annelids - 5 (4 = Lifers)
Platyhelminths - 2 (1 = Lifer)
Arachnids -1
Myriapods - 4
Crustaceans - 5
Springtails - 1
Orthopteroids - 1
Hemipteroids - 1
Coleoptera - 5 (2 = Lifers)
Moths - 4
Fish -2
Birds -  44
Mammals - 3


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