I didn't include dandelion or bramble - what is the general feeling about aggregates?
57 | Daisy |
58 | Sweet violet |
59 | Yarrow |
60 | Ribwort plantain |
61 | Ragwort |
62 | Ground-ivy |
63 | Doves-foot cranes-bill |
64 | White clover |
65 | Spear thistle |
66 | Common nettle |
67 | Black horehound |
68 | Ivy |
69 | Cleavers |
70 | Garlic mustard |
71 | Elder |
72 | Sycamore |
73 | Holly |
74 | Hogweed |
75 | Cow parsley |
76 | Curled Dock |
77 | Cocks-foot |
78 | Ivy-leaved speedwell |
79 | Red dead-nettle |
80 | Procumbert pearlwort |
81 | Hairy bitter-cress |
82 | Smooth sow-thistle |
83 | Creeping buttercup |
84 | Groundsel |
85 | Petty spurge |
86 | Annual meadow-grass |
87 | Greater plantain |
88 | Bombus terrestris |
Nice work Marilyn. We're suggesting not to count dandelion and bramble aggregates.