A walk around the square this morning before work produced lots of additions with a handful more from occasionally looking out of the window and keying out some mosses. Today's additions were:
Ivy-leaved Speedwell | Veronica hederifolia |
Common Whitlow-grass | Erophila verna |
Petty Spurge | Euphorbia peplis |
Ribwort Plantain | Plantago lanceolata |
Buddleja | Buddleja davidii |
Silver Birch | Betula pendula |
Winter Heliotrope | Petasites fragrans |
Himalayan Blackberry | Rubus armeniacus |
Creeping Buttercup | Ranunculus repens |
Hemlock Water-dropwort | Oenanthe crocata |
Broad-leaved Dock | Rumex obtusifolius |
Fool's Watercress | Apium repens |
Snowdrop | Galanthus nivalis |
Hawthorn | Crataegus mongyna |
Cock's-foot | Dactylis glomerata |
Blackthorn | Prunus spinosa |
Bristly Ox-tongue | Picris echioides |
Greater Plantain | Plantago major |
Wild Carrot | Daucus carota |
Hard Rush | Juncus inflexus |
Starling | |
Mugwort | Artemesia vulgaris |
Oxeye Daisy | Leucanthemum vulgare |
Carrion Crow | |
Reed Canary-grass | Phalaris arundinacea |
Soft Shield-fern | Polystichum setiferum |
Greater Willowherb | Epilobium hirsutum |
English Elm | Ulmus procera |
Sparrowhawk | Accipiter nisus |
Stone-parsley | Sison amomum |
House Sparrow | |
Ground-ivy | Glechoma hederacea |
Common Knapweed | Centaurea nigra |
Hazel | Corylus avellana |
Dogwood | Cornus sanguineum |
Shepherd's-purse | Capsella bursa-pastoris |
Privet | Ligustrum vulgare |
Meadow Buttercup | Ranunculus acris |
Common Chickweed | Stellaria media |
Round-leaved Crane's-bill | Geranium rotundifolium |
Mind-your-own-business | Soleirolia soleirolia |
Buck's-horn Plantain | Plantago coronopus |
Yarrow | Achillea millefolium |
Three-cornered Leek | Allium triquetrum |
Self-heal | Prunella vulgaris |
Pointed Spear-moss | Calliergonella cuspidata |
Garden Snail | Helix aspersa |
Wild Plum | Prunus domestica |
Bird's-claw Beardmoss | Barbula unguiculata |
Kestrel |
111 with the Kestrel hunting over the railway line when almost dark. Also a few things to look for later when they will be more identifiable e.g. a Callitriche in the ditches, some probably dodgy trees that are probably planted (Holm Oak and Yew), and some mosses in paper packets for another day. My bryophyte knowledge peaked in 1985 but that BBS key is really great.
Hi John - you've leapt into the top ten! Lots of things on your list there that I expect to sort out later, i.e. when they have flowers.