Yesterday was spent mostly with the family, although a trip to the shops yielded a Golden Plover on the local playing fields which is not something I get every year round here. I managed to have a bit of a root around in the garden and found a spider and a millipede (see below). I have no books on either of these groups but a spider book should be winging its way to me currently. One thing that has had me scratching my head was these really common, and quite sizable jumping things that live under the bark chips below the climbing frame. They are abundant yet I couldn't find what they were on the internet on the usual sites I look at. Eventually, by googling something like "jumpy things in soil", I worked out that they must be Land-hoppers, the alien invaders from down under.
flat-backed millipede sp.
spider sp.
Don't know the Guernsey fauna, but here the spider would be pachygnatha clercki.