Thursday, January 17, 2013


I've been lurking for a while but as I've reached 7% of the total I think it's time to declare myself.

My square, TL1313 is where I work & thus spend much (too much?) of my time.

The square is dominated by Rothamsted but there is some woodland, the common, a bit of arable and a couple of ponds so hopefully there will be enough diversity to get me close to the target.

There are also two Rothamsted Light Traps and two Rothamsted Suction Traps (one 40' and one 5') there will be plenty of material in these, some I will be identifying as a matter of course (it's my job) but I wonder whether that would be considered bending the rules just a little too much? I haven't looked at anything yet but I do have a couple of boxes of flies on my desk from the light traps ready to be picked through.

I'm currently on 72 species, mainly through dusting off my weed seedling id skills, highlights so far include one new lichen (Physcia adscendens), and two new bracket fungi (Trametes versicolor and Stereum hirsutum) for my pantaxa list. Undisputed lowlight is Pediculus humanus which comes courtesy of my daughter...  


  1. 1 Modern Human
    2 English Oak
    3 Woodpigeon
    4 Crow
    5 Jackdaw
    6 Kestrel
    7 Magpie
    8 Holly
    9 Robin
    10 Herb Robert
    11 Annual Meadow Grass
    12 Elder
    13 White Dead-nettle
    14 Goosegrass
    15 Lichen
    16 Lichen
    17 Hawthorn
    18 Stinging Nettle
    19 Great Tit
    20 Blue Tit
    21 Silver Birch
    22 Ash
    23 Rosebay Willowherb
    24 Black-headed Gull
    25 Common Gorse

  2. 26 Rabbit
    27 Bird Cherry
    28 Ivy
    29 Hazel
    30 Daisy
    31 Ragwort
    32 Common Green Shieldbug
    33 Field Maple
    34 Garlic Mustard
    35 Blackthorn
    36 Field Rose
    37 Mugwort
    38 Buddleia
    39 Groundsel
    40 Smooth Sow Thistle
    41 Cup Lichen
    42 Creeping Buttercup
    43 Yew
    44 Chickweed
    45 Swinecress
    46 Common Dock
    47 Bracken
    48 Rhododendron
    49 Wild Arum
    50 Red Dead-nettle

  3. 51 Shepherd's Purse
    52 Hart's Tongue
    53 Knotgrass
    54 Beech
    55 Mallard
    56 Teasel
    57 Broom
    58 Moorhen
    59 Dunnock
    60 Common Speedwell
    61 Herring Gull
    62 Head Louse
    63 Trametes versicolor
    64 Ribwort Plantain
    65 Hogweed
    66 Stereum hirsutum
    67 Starling
    68 Feral Pigeon
    69 Didymodon rigidulus
    70 Fieldfare
    71 Rook
    72 Yarrow
    73 Jay
    74 Graphopsocus cruciatus
    75 Ectopsocus petersi

  4. 76 Trichocera regelationis
    77 Trichocera annulata
    78 Trichocera saltator
    79 Schwenkfeldina carbonaria
    80 Mistle Thrush
    81 Holly leaf miner
    82 Phacidium multivalve
    83 Capillary thread-moss
    84 Lesser Black-backed Gull
    85 Cluster Fly
    86 Reedmace
    87 Broad Buckler-fern
    88 Jew's Ear
    89 Endothenia gentianeana
    90 Square-tailed Worm
    91 Bristly Ox-tongue
    92 Snowdrop
    93 Green Woodpecker
    94 Dendrodrilus rubidus
    95 Mahonia Rust
    96 Red Kite
    97 Squirrel
    98 Daddy Long-legs Spider
    99 Bramble leaf-miner
    100 Stinking Hellebore

  5. (Lichens at 15 & 16)

    15 Physcia adscendens
    16 Xanthorhoe peltaria

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