Taxon | Vernacular | Date Added | |
1045 | Lathronympha strigana | (micromoth) | 18/08/2013 |
1046 | Scrobipalpa costella | (micromoth) | 18/08/2013 |
1047 | Cyclophora punctaria | Maiden's Blush | 18/08/2013 |
1048 | Polyommatus icarus | Common Blue | 19/08/2013 |
1049 | Diarsia rubi | Small Square-spot | 19/08/2013 |
1050 | Trichiura crataegi | Pale Eggar | 19/08/2013 |
1051 | Ribautiana tenerrima | (leafhopper) | 20/08/2013 |
1052 | Phyllonorycter schreberella | (micromoth) | 20/08/2013 |
1053 | Deraeocoris ruber | (bug) | 20/08/2013 |
1054 | Pulicaria dysenterica | Common Fleabane | 20/08/2013 |
1055 | Rhytisma acerinum | Sycamore Tar Spot | 20/08/2013 |
1056 | Conops quadrifasciatus | (fly) | 20/08/2013 |
1057 | Dasineura fraxini | (gall midge) [larval] | 20/08/2013 |
1058 | Xanthia icteritia | Sallow | 20/08/2013 |
1059 | Taphrina alni | Alder Tongue | 20/08/2013 |
1060 | Andricus quercuscalicis f. agamic | Knopper Gall Wasp [larval] | 20/08/2013 |
1061 | Eupontania viminalis | Pea Gall Sawfly [larval] | 20/08/2013 |
1062 | Platycheirus peltatus | (hoverfly) | 20/08/2013 |
1063 | Luperina testacea | Flounced Rustic | 20/08/2013 |
1064 | Plusia festucae | Gold Spot | 21/08/2013 |
1065 | Batrachedra praeangusta | (micromoth) | 21/08/2013 |
1066 | Furcula furcula | Sallow Kitten | 23/08/2013 |
1067 | Atethmia centrago | Centre-barred Sallow | 23/08/2013 |
1068 | Cameraria ohridella | Horse-chestnut Leaf Miner | 23/08/2013 |
1069 | Aceria fraxinivorus | Cauliflower Gall Mite | 24/08/2013 |
1070 | Rhopalus subrufus | (bug) | 25/08/2013 |
1071 | Eristalis interruptus | (hoverfly) | 25/08/2013 |
1072 | Pontania proxima | Willow Redgall Sawfly [larval] | 25/08/2013 |
1073 | Crepis capillaris | Smooth Hawk's-beard | 25/08/2013 |
1074 | Neuroterus numismalis f. agamic | Silk-button Gall Wasp [ovum] | 25/08/2013 |
1075 | Dasineura urticae | (gall midge) [larval] | 25/08/2013 |
1076 | Diplolepis nervosa | Sputnik Gall Wasp [larval] | 25/08/2013 |
1077 | Diplolepis rosae | Bedeguar Gall Wasp [larval] | 25/08/2013 |
1078 | Phragmidium mucronatum | Rose Rust | 25/08/2013 |
1079 | Avena fatua | Wild-oat | 25/08/2013 |
1080 | Lapsana communis | Nipplewort | 25/08/2013 |
1081 | Persicaria maculosa | Redshank | 25/08/2013 |
1082 | Tinea trinotella | (micromoth) | 25/08/2013 |
1083 | Dichrorampha acuminatana | (micromoth) | 25/08/2013 |
1084 | Vanessa atalanta | Red Admiral | 26/08/2013 |
1085 | Aeshna cyanea | Southern Hawker | 26/08/2013 |
1086 | Cacoecimorpha pronubana | Carnation Tortrix | 26/08/2013 |
1087 | Stigmella aurella | (micromoth) [larval] | 26/08/2013 |
1088 | Eupithecia tripunctaria | White-spotted Pug | 26/08/2013 |
1089 | Ephestia parasitella unicolorella | (micromoth) | 26/08/2013 |
1090 | Eudonia angustea | (micromoth) | 29/08/2013 |
1091 | Prays fraxinella | Ash Bud Moth | 02/09/2013 |
1092 | Epinotia ramella | (micromoth) | 02/09/2013 |
1093 | Phyllonorycter strigulatella | (micromoth) | 02/09/2013 |
1094 | Dromius quadrimaculatus | (beetle) | 04/09/2013 |
1095 | Barynotus obscurus | (beetle) | 05/09/2013 |
1096 | Dolichovespula sylvestris | Tree Wasp | 07/09/2013 |
1097 | Omphaloscelis lunosa | Lunar Underwing | 10/09/2013 |
1098 | Stenodema calcarata | (bug) | 12/09/2013 |
1099 | Lygus rugulipennis | (bug) | 12/09/2013 |
1100 | Thera britannica | Spruce Carpet | 28/09/2013 |
1101 | Lithophane leautieri hesperica | Blair's Shoulder-knot | 28/09/2013 |
1102 | Agrochola lota | Red-line Quaker | 28/09/2013 |
1103 | Agrochola lychnidis | Beaded Chestnut | 28/09/2013 |
1104 | Hydraecia micacea | Rosy Rustic | 28/09/2013 |
1105 | Chloroclysta siterata | Red-green Carpet | 28/09/2013 |
1106 | Thera juniperata | Juniper Carpet | 28/09/2013 |
1107 | Xanthia aurago | Barred Sallow | 28/09/2013 |
1108 | Aporophyla nigra | Black Rustic | 29/09/2013 |
1109 | Tipula confusa | (fly) | 04/10/2013 |
1110 | Nomophila noctuella | Rush Veneer | 04/10/2013 |
1111 | Acleris sparsana | (micromoth) | 04/10/2013 |
1112 | Lithophane hepatica | Pale Pinion | 04/10/2013 |
1113 | Rhodometra sacraria | Vestal | 04/10/2013 |
1114 | Conistra ligula | Dark Chestnut | 04/10/2013 |
1115 | Agrochola macilenta | Yellow-line Quaker | 04/10/2013 |
1116 | Macrolepiota rhacodes | Shaggy Parasol | 05/10/2013 |
1117 | Acleris rhombana | Rhomboid Tortrix | 05/10/2013 |
1118 | Colotois pennaria | Feathered Thorn | 08/10/2013 |
1119 | Agrochola circellaris | Brick | 08/10/2013 |
1120 | Tipula pagana | (fly) | 25/10/2013 |
1121 | Ectoedemia occultella | (micromoth) [larval] | 26/10/2013 |
1122 | Hebeloma sacchariolens | Sweet Poisonpie | 26/10/2013 |
1123 | Coprinus micaceus | Glistening Ink-cap | 26/10/2013 |
1124 | Phyllonorycter tristrigella | (micromoth) [larval] | 26/10/2013 |
1125 | Phyllonorycter froelichiella | (micromoth) [larval] | 26/10/2013 |
1126 | Bolbitius titubans | Yellow Fieldcap | 26/10/2013 |
1127 | Psathyrella multipedata | Clustered Brittlestem | 26/10/2013 |
1128 | Coprinus comatus | Shaggy Ink-cap | 26/10/2013 |
1129 | Stropharia aeruginosa | Verdigris Agaric | 03/11/2013 |
1130 | Calocera cornea | Small Stagshorn | 03/11/2013 |
1131 | Xylaria hypoxylon | Candlesnuff | 03/11/2013 |
1132 | Rutstroemia firma | Brown Cup | 03/11/2013 |
1133 | Scutellinia scutellata | Common Eyelash | 03/11/2013 |
1134 | Poecilocampa populi | December Moth | 16/11/2013 |
As you can see, most of the additions are moths, a few galls in August and a few fungi lately.
Bedeguar Gall / Robin's Pincushion caused by Diplolepis rosae - a gall wasp
Knopper Gall caused by Andricus quercuscalicis - a gall wasp
Of course you need to disect the galls to find the life within. Whilst I have a microscope, I can't get photos through it and my macro photography skills are beyond the smallest gall inhabitants. I picked up a cheapo USB microscope from Amazon and whilst the photo resolution is not great you can at least get something of an image. Here's a few examples:
Spangle Gall on oak caused by Neuroterus quercusbaccarum - a gall wasp, agamic form
Neuroterus quercusbaccarum larva
Silk Button Gall on oak caused by Neuroterus numismalis - a gall wasp, agamic form
Neuroterus numismalis ovum!
These galls were massively abundant on my local oaks this year, though I'd already recorded N. quercusbaccarum as the sexual form in June.
Also found a couple more gall sawflies:
Pea Gall Sawfly Eupontania viminalis
Willow Redgall Sawfly Pontania proxima
Here's the breakdown, which continues to show that it's just as well that I wasn't reliant on plants to bump my total up!
Alder Tongue Taphrina alni
Tree Wasp