Thursday, November 21, 2013

Update from TM0025
I’ve just hit the target figure, and what a relief it is. Maybe just a few weeks into the challenge I realised that completing it was probably beyond me (or rather beyond the person with the knowledge that I had at that time). But I have learned so much this year, about forms of life that I barely knew existed, about their relationships, about identifying them (I was reunited with dichotomous keys after a separation of over 30 years!). At the beginning of this year, I was an unhappy lawyer who watched birds; now I am someone very different, someone full of enthusiasm for every aspect of our wildlife, someone who wants to participate in its study, and someone who is trying to find work in conservation. I hope that I will get somewhere with that! The conversion is not so much a damascene conversion as one comparable to when the late John Peel realised the limitations of the Grateful Dead and found instead the diversity and vigour of the likes of The Undertones, Siouxsie and the Banshees and Joy Division! I’ve joined the Colchester Natural History Society, The Amateur Entomologists’ Society and the Essex Field Club (not a hunting organisation!). Life is good, isn’t it! (Excuse the play on words!)
For those interested, here is a pie chart showing the relative proportions of the different groups that make up the 1000.
Furthermore, 3.6% were found as occupiers of galls or leaf-mines. They included the larvae of various lepidoptera, diptera, hymenoptera, hemiptera and arachnids, and also a fungal gall (ergot).
Here is the remaining list; note that it begins with a slight adjustment from the previous numbering, because of some duplications and formatting problems in previous lists.
870. Stock dove, Colomba oenas

Bees, wasps
871. German wasp, Vespula germanica

872. Median wasp. Dolichovespula media

873. Chrysogaster solstitialis
874. Didea fasciata (identified by yellow club-halteres!)
875. Eristalis tenax
876. Heringia heringi (predatory larvae, found in galls of Pemphigus spyrothecae on poplar leaf stems)

877. Mallota cimbiciformis
878. Melanostoma mellinum

879. Anabolia nervosa
880. Limnephilus affinis
881. Limnephilus marmoratus

Other flies
882. Chlorops pumilionis
883. Greenomyia mongolica (a fungus-gnat)   

884. Hairy poplar sawfly, Trichiocampus viminalis (larvae)
885. Holly-leaf gall-fly, Phytomyza ilicis (occupied leaf-mine in Ilex)
886. Minettia longipennis
887. Pear slug sawfly, Caliroa cerasi (larva on pear tree)     
888. Phylidorea ferruginea
889. Tachina fera
890. Twin-spot centurion, Sargus bipunctatus            

891. Arhapolus ferus
892. Dried-bean beetle, Acanthoscelides obtectus
893. Longitarsus dorsalis (a flea-beetle)
894. 22-spot ladybird, Psyllobora 22-punctata
895. Pterostichus nigrita
896. Sitona hispidulus
897. White-marked spider-beetle, Ptinus fur

898. Ant damselbug, Himacerus mirmicoides
899. Anthocoris limbatus (a little unexpected in Essex)  

900. Common damselbug, Nabis rugosus
901. Corizus hyoscyami                      
902. Dicyphus errans
903. Dicyphus pallicornis
904. Grey damselbug, Himacerus major
905. Lygus pratensis
906. Neolygus viridis
907. Nysius senecionis
908. Pinalitus cervinus
909. Scolopostethus thomsoni                            
910. Small flower bug, Orius vicinus

911. Caecilius flavidus
912. Trichopsocus clarus
913. Valenzuela flavidus

914. Agallia venosa
915. Alebra wahlbergi
916. Aphrophora salicina (a froghopper)
917. Arthaldeus pascuellus
918. Balclutha punctata
919. Cicadula quadrinotata
920. Empoasca decipiens
921. Empoasca vitis
922. Eupteryx aurata
923. Eupteryx florida
924. Eupteryx urticae
925. Stenocranus minutus (a planthopper)
926. Zygina flammigera

927. Chrysoperla lucasina

928. Large nettle aphid, Microlophium carnosum

929. Acleris sparsana
930. Apple-leaf miner, Lyonetia clerkella (occupied leaf-mine in Sorbus and Malus)
931. Black rustic, Aporophyla nigra
932. Chrysoesthia drurella (occupied leaf-mine in Atriplex)
933. Dark sword-grass, Agrostis ipsilon
934. Feathered thorn, Colotois pennaria
935. Grey pine carpet, Thera obeliscata
936. Merveille du jour, Dichonia aprilina
937. November moth, Epirrita dilutata
938. Parornix carpinella (occupied leaf mine in Carpinus)
939. Phyllocnistis saligna (occupied leaf-mine in Salix)
940. Phyllonorycter messaniella
941. Phyllonorycter platani (occupied leaf-mine in Platanus)
942. Red-green carpet, Chloroclysta siterata
943. Red-line quaker, Agrochola lota
944. Stigmella assimilella (occupied leaf-mine in Populus)
945. Stigmella aurella (occupied leaf-mine in Rubus and Geranium)
946. Stigmella oxyacanthella (occupied leaf-mine in Crataegus)
947. The Herald, Scoliopteryx libatrix
948. Treble-bar, Aplocera plagiata

949. Anelosimus vittatus
950. Clubiona diversa
951. Clubiona terrestris
952. Theridion tinctum
953. Xysticus ulmi
954. Zygiella x-notata

955. Paroligolophus agrestis

956. Dicyrtomina ornata
957. Entomobrya intermedia

958. Brandling worm, Eisenia fetida
959. Compost worm, Eisenia veneta
960. Lob worm, Lumbricus terrestris
961. Redhead worm, Lumbricus rubellus

962. Bicoloured bryum, Bryum dichotomum
963. Bird’s-claw beard-moss, Barbula unguiculata
964. Common pincushion (moss), Dicranoweisia cirrata
965. Creeping feather-moss, Amblystegium serpens
966. Dog screw-moss, Tortula canescens
967. Dusky beard-moss, Didymodon luridus
968. False beard-moss, Didymodon fallax
969. Fool’s-parsley, Aethusa cynapium
970. Green yoke-moss, Zygodon viridissimus
971. Lesser bird’s-claw beard-moss, Barbula convoluta
972. Matted feather-moss, Brachythecium populeum
973. Redshank (moss), Ceratodon purpureus
974. Silver-moss, Bryum argenteum
975. Whitish feather-moss, Brachythecium albicans

976. Coelastrum microporum
977. Gonium pectorale

978. Buellia canescens
979. Lecanora dispersa
980. Lecidella elaeochroma          

981. Lepraria incana
982. Ochrolechia parella
983. Xanthoria polycarpa

984. Beech tar-crust, Biscogniauxia nummularia
985. Bleeding oak crust, Stereum gausapatum
986. Bleeding broadleaf crust, Stereum rugosum
987. Coral spot, Nectria cinnabarina
988. Ganoderma adspersum (a heart-rot fungus)
989. Honey fungus, Armillaria mellea
990. King Alfred’s cakes, Daldinia concentrica  

991. Lemon disco, Bisporella citrina
992. Nectria peziza
993. Oak mildew, Erysiphe alphitoides
994. Oak pin, Cudoniella acicularis
995. Peeling oysterling, Crepidotus mollis
996. Shaggy parasol, Macrolepiota rhacodes
997. Snapping bonnet, Mycena vitilis
998. Tawny milkcap, Lactarius fulvissimus
999. Trechispora mollusca
1000. Velvet shank, Flammulina velutipes


  1. Just think how life might have been different if John Peel had joined the Colchester Natural History Society! Well done again Sven, 15th to come in over the finish post this year. And last?? Unless anyone else out there is hurtling towards the line?

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