Not a contrail to be seen |
Sometimes waking up super-early has its benefits, with some seaweeds still unidentified (forever, probably!). Still picking up routine birds and bees. And plants. And ... well there's a lot of "simple" stuff that I just have to find my way around the whole square for.
202 |
Chondrus crispus |
Carrageen |
alga |
203 |
Dumontia cortorta |
A red alga |
alga |
204 |
Fucus serratus |
Toothed Wrack |
alga |
205 |
Ulva lactuca |
Sea Lettuce |
alga |
206 |
Allium scorodoprasum |
Sand Leek |
flowering plant |
207 |
Dactylis glomerata |
Cock's-foot |
flowering plant |
208 |
Digitalis purpurea |
Foxglove |
flowering plant |
209 |
Iris pseudacorus |
Yellow Iris |
flowering plant |
210 |
Myrrhis odorata |
Sweet Cicely |
flowering plant |
211 |
Quercus robur |
Pedunculate Oak |
flowering plant |
212 |
Reseda luteola |
Weld |
flowering plant |
213 |
Rubus idaeus |
Raspberry |
flowering plant |
214 |
Symphytum x uplandicum |
Russian Comfrey |
flowering plant |
215 |
Dynamena pumila |
A hydrozoan |
cnidarian |
216 |
Cornu aspersum |
Garden Snail |
mollusc |
217 |
Lanice conchilega |
Sand Mason |
annelid |
218 |
Pagurus bernhardus |
Hermit Crab |
crustacean |
219 |
Anurida maritima |
A springtail |
collembola |
220 |
Coccinella septempunctata |
7-spot Ladybird |
coleoptera |
221 |
Calliphora vicina |
Common Bluebottle |
diptera |
222 |
Rhamphomyia crassirostris |
An Empid fly |
diptera |
223 |
Tipula lateralis |
A crane fly |
diptera |
224 |
Tipula oleracea |
A crane fly |
diptera |
225 |
Bombus pascuorum |
Common Carder Bee |
hymenoptera |
226 |
Panorpa germanica |
A scorpion fly |
insect-other |
227 |
Aegithalos caudatus |
Long-tailed Tit |
bird |
228 |
Ardea cinerea |
Grey Heron |
bird |
229 |
Regulus regulus |
Goldcrest |
bird |
230 |
Sylvia communis |
Whitethroat |
bird |
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