"Spring Has Now Unwrapped her Flowers"
Spring seems to have finally arrived. I've been out a lot since I last posted anything and I'm past 300, which doesn't sound very much but I am slowly but surely getting to 1000!
Although all the wet weather this winter has been devastating on most things, the mosses and fungi have thrived. they have helped my list no end. Now spring flowers are blossoming, The chiff-chaffs and black caps are singing their heads off, the swallows have arrived and I saw my first brimstone and orange tip for this year, and today the first peacock butterfly.
Placing my mammal footprint device in undergrowth |
On Friday this week I have to present my findings for the first three months as part of my school project, so
I thought it was about time to publish my list of species so far (this is the bit that really takes the time!) so here it is:
English name Latin name
1. scarlet hood wax cap
2. scarlet elf cup
3. silver leaf fungus
4. common earth ball
5. witches butter
6. velvet shank
7. birch boletus
8. king alfreds cakes
9. puffball lycoperdon pyriforme
10. ugly milkcap
11. shaggy inkcap
12. shaggy parasol
13. schizopora parradoxa
14. tremella aurantia
15. pipe club macrotyphula fistulosa
16. pezziza versiculosa
17. deceiver
18. porcelain fungus
19. candle snuff/deers antler
20. dichomitus campestris
21. diatrype disciformis
22. neobulgoria pura
23. bisporella citrina
24. sulphur tuft
waxcaps |
26. dead mans fingers
27. tar spot
28. the charcoal burner russula
29. blackish-purple russula russula
30. meadow wax cap hygrocybe ovina(?)
31. blackening waxcap
32. orangey wax cap hygrocybe miniata
33. milk-cap lactarius azonites
34. scarlet deceiver
35. watery milk-cap
36. white helvella
37. honey fungus
38. parrot wax cap
39. turkey tail bracket
40. yellow wax cap
41. coral spot family nectria coccinea
42. white slime/jelly mould exidia
Total 42
- brain lichen
- lecanora canuzaeoides
- common orange lichen
- map lichen
- oak moss
- ramaline farinacea
Total 6
- dunnock
- magpie
- wood pigeon
- Chiff-chaff
- blue tit
- bullfinches
- song thrush
- buzzard
- pheasant
- tree creeper
- robin
- brambling
- coal tit
- goshawk
- wood cock
- crow
- field fares
- rook
- jackdaws
- sparrow hawk
- willow tit
- green finch
- marsh tit
- collared dove
- spotted flycatcher
- siskin
- nut hatch
- chaffinch
- great tit
- pied wag tail
- jay
- long tailed tits
- black bird turdus merula
- wren
- starling
- gold finch
- tawny owl
- red wing
- house sparrow
- grey wagtail
- willow warbler
- cuckoo
- wood warbler
- firecrest
- goldcrest
- green woodpecker
- greater spotted woodpecker
- swallow
- Mallard
- skylark
- blackcap
- chiff chaff
Total 52
- slug?
- common garden snail
- banded snail
- tiger slug
5. centipede
6. bird fleas
7. harvestman
8. bee fly
9. violet ground beetle
10. money spider
11. common darter dragonfly
12. 7 spot lady bird
sloe shield bug |
14. house spider
15. blood mite
16. water boat man
17. wasp
18. millipede
19. daphnia
20. water measurer
21. whirly gig beetle
22. wood louse
23. earwig
24. sloe shieldbug
25. peacock butterfly
26. small white
27. brimstone butterfly
28. red admiral
29. small tortoiseshell butterfly
30. orange tip
31. green veined white
32. mosquito
33. horse fly
34. lace wing
35. blue bottle
36. gnats
37. brandling worms
38. earth worm
39. honey bee
40. (mining bee) andrena cineraria
41. buff tailed bumble bee
42. anthophona plumipes
43. bumble bee
44. cuckoo bee
Total 44
wood anemones |
- yellow archangel
- honey suckle
- stinking iris
- cocks foot grass
- bracken
- colts foot
- wood ruff
- wood anemone
- broom
- dog violet
- butter bur
- wild primrose
- wood spurge
- blue bells
- wood avens
- burdock
- clematis old man’s beard
- deadly nightshade
- white Briony
- Black Briony
- hog weed/cow parsnip
- dogs mercury
- common knapweed
- marsh thistle
- dandelion
- chick weed
- hemlock water-drop wort
- fox tail grass
- common spotted orchid
- marsh marigold
- common birds foot trefoil
- fat hen
- red shank
- hedgerow cranes bill
- hedge wound wort
- nettle
- euphorbia
- greater willow herb
- forget-me-not
- tansy
- foxglove digitalis purpurea
- wood sorrel
- mallow(purple flower)
- bramble
- herb Robert
- ribwort plantain
- hairy land cress
- bitter land cress
- gorse
- crab apple malus sp
- arum pictum italicum
- wild gooseberry
- wild strawberry
- hoary plantain
- daisy
- water figwort
- lady’s smock
- goose grass
- bistort(?)
- greater stitch wort
- cooch grass
- broad leafed dock
- lemon balm
- bastard balm
- vetch(mauve)
- cats ear
- poor man’s mustard
- sanicle
- wood rush
- rosebay willow herb
- ivy leafed speedwell
- guelder rose
- yarrow
- moon daisy
- convulvulus
- sheep sorrel
- lesser periwort
- ivy-leaved toad flax
- red clover
- wild daffodils
- soft rush
- hard rush
- early violet
- creeping thistle
- pineapple weed
- common hawk weed
- wild raspberry
- greater celandine
- white violet
- water mint
- Japanese knot weed
- Queen Ann's lace
- Pig nut
- lesser celandine
- himilayan balsom
- duck weed
- creeping Jenny
- branched bur weed
- wild bilberry
- white dead nettle
- ground elder
- dog rose
- snow drops
- ivy
- ragwort
- campion
- wild garlic
- greater spearwort
- Welsh poppy
- yellow corydalis
- common fumitory
- honesty
- Field rose
- bush vetch
- germander speedwell
- woody speedwell
- field pansy
- sweet violet
- perennial rye grass
- sweet vernal grass
- pendulous sedge
- wood sedge
- perennial flax
- wall lettuce
- moss common tamarisk moss
- moss common feather moss
- moss capillary thread moss
- moss rough-stalked feather moss
- moss pseudoscleropodium purum
- moss tortula muralis
- liverwort crested cup
- fern harts tongue
- fern male fern
- fern wall rue
- fern wall spleen wort
- tree black thorn
- tree silver birch
- tree yew
- tree mountain ash
- tree holly
- tree crack willow
- tree wild cherry
- tree ash fraxinus nigra
- tree larch
- tree sycamore
- tree beech
- tree oak quercus
- tree elm
- tree horse chestnut
- tree aspen
- tree hawthorn
- tree elder
- tree hazel
- tree sweet chestnut
- tree alder
- tree small leaved lime
Total 156
- pipestrelle bat
- rabbit
- badger
- bank vole
- shrew
- short tailed field vole
- wood mouse
- dormouse
- stoat
- fallow deer
- hedge hog
- squirrel
- fox
- mole
- rat
Toad |
Total 15
- great crested newt
- toad bufo bufo
- smooth newt
- palmate newt
- common frog
Grand total to the end of April is 320
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