After Friday's new Fife fly while searching for moss I found another new Fife fly while searching for moths. This is a cracking little thing and my first in the Keroplatidae. It's only Fife's 2nd recorded one as far s I can see though there must be lots more. Fortunately it did me the honour of attending my MV trap and even more fortunately (for a change) wasn't in the
Mycetophilinae so I actually had a key for it!
I bagged some water cress also on Friday and was pleased to confirm the species which I had suspected was really the more common (in the county at least) hybrid.
Sunday turned up some nice mushrooms and all-in-all not a bad weekend, though a September finish seems to be drifting away
Macrocera (no kidding!) vittata |
oficinale water cress |
Lovely little Entoloma |
Blackening Waxcap |
946 |
Macrocera vittata |
A fungus gnat |
947 |
Hygrocybe coccinea |
A Waxcap |
948 |
Hygrocybe conica |
Blackening Waxcap |
949 |
Claviceps purpurea |
Ergot |
950 |
Polietes lardarius |
A muscid fly |
951 |
Russula ochroleauca |
A mushroom |
952 |
Scolopostethus thomsonii |
A mirid bug |
953 |
Entoloma serrulatum |
Blue-edged Pinkgill |
Lots of good stuff there. Keep up the good work. Those Macrocera's are quite something!