Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Dalgety bay - tales of the unexpected

I was expecting I might have a Red Admiral or possibly a Painted Lady to add to the butterfly list by the end of August, and though I suspect one of the latter was in the garden last week it shot off over the hedge before I could be sure. I even hoped I might land a Speckled Wood, since they've been reported in the square previously. What I wasn't expecting was this ...

Purple Hairstreak
Apart from that a fairly routine grind of additions with some more discards/escapes that truly reflect the reality of the Dalgety Bay flora. 2.5 a day for 1200 by end August. Looks promising.

1181 diptera Microchrysa polita A Soldier Fly
1182 fungus Paxillus involutus Brown Rollrim
1183 flowering plant Rheum rhabarbarum Rhubarb
1184 flowering plant Campanula rotundifolia Harebell
1185 hymenoptera Neuroterus numismalis Silk-button Gall
1186 bird Anthus trivialis Tree Pipit
1187 fungus Mycena archengeliana A mushroom
1188 flowering plant Aster novi-belgii agg. Michelmas Daisy
1189 fungus Chlorophyllum rachodes Shaggy parasol
1190 * lep-butterfly Favonius quercus Purple Hairstreak


  1. Very nice record, Ali. Reminds me that there are a few oak trees at the edge of my square.

  2. That's a pretty species-rich environment. I haven't exploited mine half as much as I should have, what with all those galls and miners and such. You know if you don't reach 2000 you have to do it again, right? ;)
