Friday, April 28, 2017

Plant Smut ..

First off well done to Seth for finding his fancy plant .....

I start a new job on Monday so time will be a little more limited then normal but still hope to find as much as I can despite being a novice really.

Spent a few hours in the woods came up with the following species (Thank Seth for a few tips).

93. Nuthatch - Bird

94. Haplophilus subterraneus - Centipede - (Thanks Christian) 

95. Grey Squirrel - Mammal
96. Human - Mammal
97. Anther Smut - Fungus
98. Bracken Map - Fungus
99. Dipper - Bird
100. Kingfisher - Bird
101. Marsh Tit - Bird
102. Treecreeper - Bird

103. Ramularia purpurascens - Fungus

104. Painted Lady - Butterfly
105. Grey Heron - Bird
106. Evening Primrose - Plant


  1. Marsh tit and Nuthatch would both be very good birds in my square!

  2. And Grey Squirrel would be an (unwanted) first for Skye! Good luck with the job buddy :)
