Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Cullaloe LNR, Fife - Europhile agony

The timing of last night's beetle star made me lol a bit.

Agonum (Europhilus) thoreyi is a beetle associated with marshes and this came in a bag of goodies from litter still lying around on the reserve from clearing out the spillway from the main pond. And bless SWT for leaving this lying around. It's chock full of exciting things, and two new spiders and two new beetles have emerged from a hypdrophilic fauna so far.

Two weeks in and I passed the 1/3 of a thousand on the 11th Jan, passed last year's January total on the 13th. All being well I'm aiming to reach 1/4 of target (1500) by end of January. Which is 375 if my basic arithmetic is any good. Don't get me wrong - 400 would be awesome, but anything over 375 is a bonus.

Current total: 350
New for reserve: 44 (6 spiders!)
New for me: 11

The newly cleared spillway
Agonum (Europhilus) thoreyi
Also a grass pile coughed up the first new moth of the year with a Ruby Tiger. That's intriguing because with a fair bit of trapping in the same area we've never recorded an adult here yet!


Algae 1
Lichens 30
Fungi 58
Plants - Vascular 95
Plants - Bryo 48
Mollusc 5
Arachnida 21
Collembola 5
Hemiptera 5
Hymenoptera 2
Coleoptera 22
Diptera 3
Lepidoptera 2
Invert - Other 6
Vert - Birds 46
Vert - Other 1
Total 350

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