Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Dalgety Bay - Daily Digest

More signs of spring. A lunchtime stroll revealed a lot of Bibio johannis on the coastal path. This morning there were at least three Blackcaps singing. Yesterday I heard a very nice blackbird song that briefly had me thinking about Golden Orioles. That would be nice. Or a Garganey (which I've seen here befoer). Or a nice couple of avocets...

Some species that were around yesterday:

Bibio johannis, male

Cornu aspersum

Red-breasted Flycatcher ... I wish! (from Turkey)

Nicrophors humator - a burying beetle

Pale Pinion moth
Species added to NT1683 list
623 diptera Bibio johannis A Bibionid fly
624 diptera Egle rhinotmeta A flower fly
625 lep-moth Lithophane socia Pale Pinion
626 coleoptera Nicrophorus humator A burying beetle
627 flowering plant Aegopodium podagraria  Ground Elder
628 bird Sylvia atricapilla Blackcap


  1. Very impressive and the Bibio looks quite distinctive.

    1. Best to be a bit careful with these Bibios. Some are pretty similar and need keying to get to an accurate ID (well, St Mark's Fly is pretty easy because it's very large compared to the others).
