Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Dalgety Bay - eight legs good

Ticking along here on a slow burn. Last year I had a poor total of 29 spiders, so this is the one that equals that - a beautiful Scotophaeus blackwalli that I found on a windowsill in the house. It's fully 2mm longer than book range but epigyne checks out fine.

Nice to get into the saltmarsh a bit and find some saltmarsh things tht I was really hoping for. It's really no more than a tiny fringe of the bay, but enough for Saltmarsh Rush (J.gerardii) and Greater Sea Spurrey to be happy there.

My first big distraction of June is out of the way (an off-square bioblitz with one new lifer hoverfly) and the other one is forthcoming. Now what was that again ...

915 diptera Syritta pipiens Syrphidae
916 * flowering plant Spergularia media Greater Sea-spurrey
917 * flowering plant Bolboschoenus maritimus  Sea Club-rush
918 diptera Melanogaster hirtella A hover fly
919 * spider Scotophaeus blackwalli Mouse Spider
920 lep-moth Selenia lunularia Lunar Thorn
921 lep-moth Cabera pusaria Common White Wave
922 flowering plant Matricaria discoidea Pineappleweed
923 flowering plant Sisymbrium officinale Hedge Mustard
924 flowering plant Sonchus asper Prickly Sow-thistle
925 lep-moth Perizoma flavofasciata Sandy Carpet
926 lep-moth Perizoma affinitata Rivulet
927 * flowering plant Juncus gerardii Saltmarsh Rush

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