Friday, June 1, 2018

The merry, merry month of May...

Well, birds weren't very good, moths weren't very good, insects generally a bit down. But something must have been good as I added 425 species during the month and broke the 1100 species mark!

Some nice things recently included a couple of scarce weevils, a scarce Lasioglossum, a few pretty moths, a couple of new empids and a mole wandering around the garden. Doubt if the pace will be maintained in June as there are trips to the West Country and Scotland that will take up a couple of weeks. See you at Eype next Saturday, Pete (my birthday, I'll be 63, getting creakier by the week).

Mole in garden - didn't investigate for mole flea

Empis aemula ♂ - lifer

Empis caudatula ♀ - lifer

Water Ernine and White Ermine

Gold Spot
Here's a breakdown of the last 3 months:-

TG4523 Mar 2018 TG4523 Apr 2018 TG4523 May 2018
Algae 0 0 0
Fungi/Lichens 19 22 22
Bryophytes 4 4 4
Vascular Plants 102 120 160
Cnidarians 0 0 0
Molluscs 7 8 9
Annelid Worms 0 0 0
Arachnids 38 50 62
Myriapods 6 6 6
Crustaceans 3 3 3
Springtails 6 6 6
Insects: Odonata 0 0 6
Insects: Orthopteroids 0 1 4
Insects: Hemipteroids 21 38 59
Insects: Hymenoptera 9 31 56
Insects: Coleoptera 87 119 203
Insects: Diptera 60 111 203
Insects: Butterflies 0 6 12
Insects: Moths 24 43 153
Insects: RSO 3 4 13
Fish 0 0 1
Reptiles 0 0 1
Amphibia 0 0 0
Birds 74 92 104
Mammals 10 12 14
Other Animals 0 0 0
Echinoderms 0 0 0
473 676 1101

Surprised to see that coleoptera are keeping up with diptera, with 203 species each. Here's the species list for those that like them:

1042 Arge cyanocrocea Hymenoptera Symphyta: Bramble Sawfly 29/05/2018
1043 Agrostis capillaris Vascular Plants Common Bent 29/05/2018
1044 Geranium versicolor Vascular Plants Pencilled Crane's-bill 29/05/2018
1045 Papaver rhoeas Vascular Plants Common Poppy 29/05/2018
1046 Pilosella aurantiaca Vascular Plants Fox-and-cubs 29/05/2018
1047 Poa trivialis Vascular Plants Rough Meadow-grass 29/05/2018
1048 Pulicaria dysenterica Vascular Plants Common Fleabane 29/05/2018
1049 Rumex conglomeratus Vascular Plants Clustered Dock 29/05/2018
1050 Sonchus arvensis Vascular Plants Perennial Sow-thistle 29/05/2018
1051 Tanacetum vulgare Vascular Plants Tansy 29/05/2018
1052 Rumex acetosa Vascular Plants Common Sorrel 29/05/2018
1053 Isochnus sequensi Coleoptera Curculionidae 29/05/2018
1054 Euophryum confine Coleoptera Curculionidae 29/05/2018
1055 Crepidodera aurata Coleoptera Chrysomelidae 29/05/2018
1056 Pterostichus diligens Coleoptera Carabidae 29/05/2018
1057 Notiophilus biguttatus Coleoptera Carabidae 29/05/2018
1058 Matricaria discoidea Vascular Plants Pineappleweed 29/05/2018
1059 Plantago coronopus Vascular Plants Buck's-horn Plantain 29/05/2018
1060 Ranunculus bulbosus Vascular Plants Bulbous Buttercup 29/05/2018
1061 Amara familiaris Coleoptera Carabidae 29/05/2018
1062 Eutomostethus ephippium Hymenoptera Symphyta:Tenthredinidae 30/05/2018
1063 Tipula fascipennis Diptera Tipulidae - Craneflies 30/05/2018
1064 Miris striatus Hemipteroids Fine Streaked Bugkin 30/05/2018
1065 Eristalis intricarius Diptera Syrphidae 30/05/2018
1066 Dryophilocoris flavoquadrimaculatus Hemipteroids Miridae 30/05/2018
1067 Troilus luridus Hemipteroids Bronze Shieldbug 30/05/2018
1068 Eysarcoris venustissimus Hemipteroids Woundwort Shieldbug 30/05/2018
1069 Cephus spinipes Hymenoptera Symphyta 30/05/2018
1070 Lonicera periclymenum Vascular Plants Honeysuckle 30/05/2018
1071 Seioptera vibrans Diptera Ulidiidae 30/05/2018
1072 * Epiblema cirsiana Lepidoptera:moths Knapweed Bell 30/05/2018
1073 Trixagus dermestoides Coleoptera Throscidae 30/05/2018
1074 Hedya pruniana Lepidoptera:moths Plum Tortrix 30/05/2018
1075 Eudonia angustea Lepidoptera:moths Narrw-winged Grey 30/05/2018
1076 Tyria jacobaeae Lepidoptera:moths The Cinnabar 30/05/2018
1077 Dypterygia scabriuscula Lepidoptera:moths Bird's Wing 30/05/2018
1078 Oligia strigilis Lepidoptera:moths Marbled Minor 30/05/2018
1079 Eilema sororcula Lepidoptera:moths Orange Footman 30/05/2018
1080 Hercostomus assimilis Diptera Dolichopodidae 30/05/2018
1081 Lepidium draba Vascular Plants Hoary Cress 31/05/2018
1082 Cerapheles terminatus Coleoptera Malachiidae 31/05/2018
1083 Campaea margaritata Lepidoptera:moths Light Emerald 30/05/2018
1084 Acronicta megacephala Lepidoptera:moths Poplar Grey 30/05/2018
1085 Cassida vibex Coleoptera Tortoise beetle sp. 31/05/2018
1086 Matricaria recutita Vascular Plants Scented Mayweed 31/05/2018
1087 Tenthredo notha Hymenoptera Symphyta 31/05/2018
1088 * Argyra argyria Diptera Dolichopodidae 31/05/2018
1089 Euproctis similis Lepidoptera:moths Yellow-tail 30/05/2018
1090 Pseudomalus auratus Hymenoptera Chrysidae 30/05/2018
1091 * Empis caudatula Diptera Empididae 31/05/2018
1092 Pinalitus cervinus Hemipteroids Mirid Bug 31/05/2018
1093 Earias clorana Lepidoptera:moths Cream-bordered Green Pea 31/05/2018
1094 Cloeon dipterum RSO Ephemeoptera (Mayflies) 31/05/2018
1095 Spilosoma urticae Lepidoptera:moths Water Ermine 31/05/2018
1096 Noctua pronuba Lepidoptera:moths Large Yellow Underwing 31/05/2018
1097 Plusia festucae Lepidoptera:moths Gold Spot 31/05/2018
1098 Rusina ferruginea Lepidoptera:moths Brown Rustic 31/05/2018
1099 * Empis aemula Diptera Empididae 30/05/2018
1100 * Lasioglossum nitidiusculum Hymenoptera Lasioglossum - Tufted Furrow Bee 30/05/2018
1101 Eriocampa ovata Hymenoptera Symphyta: Alder Sawfly 31/05/2018


  1. Outstanding. Now, I need to discuss with my wife again the thorny issue of early retirement ...

  2. Good going Tim and looking forward to next week-end.

  3. Well jel of that Mole, only ever seen dead ones (and a couple of heaving molehills)

    THREE WEEKS TO GO!!!!!!!!! I'll look the other way whilst you release the mole at my feet..."oh look, a Mole!" :)
