Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Uig - Las cabezas blancas

My quick roundup of a fine weekend on Uig with the "League of Extraordinary Gentlemen". It's always a pleasure to spend field and lab time with like-minded maniacs natural historians.

Lifers ran to over 60 (65 I think), with half of them plants. Not too shabby!
My PSL list bumped over 3000, and by a good margin.
I moved two places up the PSL rankings from 45 to 43.
I moved into the top 40 for molluscs with Tree Snail, Copse Snail and my fave - River Limpet.
I added 6 bryo lifers. Normally I think a good BBS day trip adds 5 or more so considering I saw so much more on the day that was a serious day out! Thanks again to Nick for joining us.

The total number of New-to-Skye remains to be seen but it's going to be a respectable handful.

Many thanks to all for coming to play out. Looking forward to doing it again - after a decent nap!

Some random access memories

"Hello. Can you tell me the way to Fairy Glen?"

Telfer-scoped Hercostomus cupreus

as yet UFO Rhaphium

Beautiful Golden Y

Bathyphantes nigrinus

Peltigera leucophlebia

Wood Wasp



  1. That ain't no Wood Wasp, didn't you learn nuffink? ;)

    Was a great weekend and yes we absolutely must do it all over again sometime, someplace, somehow...

    1. Lol - yeah, syvestris means "wood", innit? Oh dear. These pesky English names!
