Thursday, January 25, 2018

Dalgety Bay - Creeping up on 300

With much improved weather and no domestic duties to perform at lunchtime I was able to go out and play in the spring sunshine, vastly increasing my chances of tipping over 300 this month. After finding Strigia maritima in December 2016 I finally re-connected with it in my new square after failing to for the entirety of 2017! A very centipede-y couple of days.

Last night I was able to figure out the 10mm long Geophilus truncorum, which is new to me. Maybe I'll even start to figure out how to handle millipedes, one of which I still have issues with despite its apparently being an adult male with appendages.

Geophilus truncorum

Geophilus truncorum

Nemastoma bimaculatum

Strigia maritima

284 * fungus Stegonosporium pyriforme A coelomycete
285 coleoptera Omalium riparium A Rove Beetle
286 moss Bryoerythrophyllum recurvirostrum A moss
287 * centipede Geophilus truncorum A centipede
288 harvestman Nemastoma bimaculata A harvestman
289 diptera Phaonia subventa A muscid fly
290 centipede Strigia maritima A centipede
291 flowering plant Narcissus pseudonarcissus Daffodil
* = lifer

(might as well throw this out there because it will be obvious to someone else! I had it down as Craspedosoma rawlinsii to begin with but I can't convince myself)

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