Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Moths - slow but improving...

Getting to the productive period for this square, lots out there. The easiest group to add new species with little effort is moths, so it would be nice to lose these easterlies and get a warm gentle SW wind. A nice soldier fly in the garden this morning. A walk along the dyke yesterday produced an increase in dragonflies, including 10 Hairy Dragonflies and 5 Four-spotted Chasers.

the "Black Colonel", Odontomyia tigrina
1001 Melissa officinalis Vascular Plants Balm 27/05/2018
1002 Aphis fabae Hemipteroids Black Bean aphid 27/05/2018
1003 Tortrix viridana Lepidoptera:moths Green Oak Tortrix 27/05/2018
1004 Arge ochropus Hymenoptera Symphyta: Rose Sawfly 27/05/2018
1005 Pipistrellus pipistrellus Mammals Common Pipistrelle 27/05/2018
1006 Scopula floslactata Lepidoptera:moths Cream Wave 27/05/2018
1007 Crambus lathoniellus Lepidoptera:moths Hook-streak Grass-veneer 27/05/2018
1008 Rivula sericealis Lepidoptera:moths Straw Dot 27/05/2018
1009 * Epermenia falciformis Lepidoptera:moths Large Lance-wing 27/05/2018
1010 Protodeltote pygarga Lepidoptera:moths Marbled White Spot 27/05/2018
1012 Blastobasis lacticolella Lepidoptera:moths London Dowd 27/05/2018
1013 Laspeyria flexula Lepidoptera:moths Beautiful Hook-tip 27/05/2018
1014 Myelois circumvoluta Lepidoptera:moths Thistle Ermine 27/05/2018
1015 Elachista argentella Lepidoptera:moths Swan-feather Dwarf 27/05/2018
1016 Xanthorhoe montanata Lepidoptera:moths Silver-ground Carpet 27/05/2018
1017 Celypha lacunana Lepidoptera:moths Common Marble 27/05/2018
1018 Plagodis dolabraria Lepidoptera:moths Scorched Wing 27/05/2018
1019 Lasiommata megera Lepidoptera:butterflies Wall Brown 28/05/2018
1020 Libellula quadrimaculata Odonata Four-spotted Chaser 28/05/2018
1021 Ischnura elegans Odonata Blue-tailed Damselfly 28/05/2018
1022 Oedemera nobilis Coleoptera Swollen-thighed Beetle 28/05/2018
1023 Falco subbuteo Birds Hobby 28/05/2018
1024 Merodon equestris Diptera Syrphidae 28/05/2018
1025 Philonthus laminatus Coleoptera Staph. 28/05/2018
1026 Eupeodes corollae Diptera Syrphidae 28/05/2018
1027 Dolichopus ungulatus Diptera Dolichopodidae 28/05/2018
1028 Pterostichus melanarius Coleoptera Carabidae 26/05/2018
1029 Sarcophaga dissimilis Diptera Sarcophagidae 28/05/2018
1030 Sarcophaga nigriventris Diptera Sarcophagidae 28/05/2018
1031 Artemisia vulgaris Vascular Plants Mugwort 28/05/2018
1032 Anthoxanthum odoratum Vascular Plants Sweet Vernal Grass 28/05/2018
1033 Carex otrubae Vascular Plants False Fox-sedge 28/05/2018
1034 Aelia acuminata Hemipteroids Bishop's Mitre Shieldbug 28/05/2018
1035 Cordylepherus viridis Coleoptera Malachiidae 28/05/2018
1036 Clubiona reclusa Arachnids Clubionidae 28/05/2018
1037 * Sitona cylindricollis Coleoptera Weevil 28/05/2018
1038 Scoparia ambigualis Lepidoptera:moths Common Grey 28/05/2018
1039 Axylia putris Lepidoptera:moths The Flame 28/05/2018
1040 Donacia clavipes Coleoptera Chrysomelidae 28/05/2018
1041 Cantharis lateralis Coleoptera Cantharidae 29/05/2018


  1. See now I feel guilty for not giving those micros their English names! I remember good times watching Hobbies hunting in Norfolk. Cracking birds

  2. I actually came up with a couple of vernacular names for the microleps in Jim Porter's published list. Can't remember which ones, both Torts whatever they were.

  3. Well done on the 5,000 Seth.

    1. Cheers Tim, roll on the next 5000 is what I say!
